Sunday, November 26, 2006

Where On Earth Are You Now?

So, where on earth am I now?

Above, the pictures. Below, the address:
Sophie Staughton
Warburton Community,
PMB 71, via Alice Springs NT 0872
(or, same address and post box number, but via Kalgoorlie, WA, 6431)

But, it's never that simple. Those of you who have lived in remote areas, will know that getting a house to live in, and the quality of that house, is one of the most difficult hurdles to jump.

One of the reasons this blog has taken about 8 months to be populated by anything more than the pictures above is that I've moved house - or lived in a temporary place pending resolution of a house - 4 times. I've now actually moved to an even smaller community, called Kanpa (pronounced Gun-ba), approximately 120 west of Warburton.

The little house in the picture above was the first share-house that I moved into in Warburton. After returning from Xmas holidays, I decided that I needed a place of my own (and not just a room of my own, Virginia eat your heart out). Or else... Well, I didn't really have a back up plan, other than resignation, so it was a high stakes venture to move up to the Warburton roadhouse pending resolution of the matter. Luckily, a nice colleague reminded me that Kanpa Community, a mere 90 minute drive away, might have an available house to rent. I could 'commute' to work once a week, spending 3 nights in the roadhouse units or possibly a friend's house in Warburton, and return to Kanpa on Fridays for the weekend and a quiet work day there on Monday.

By a stroke of luck, the plan worked out and over the next few weeks, in between work trips, I progressively managed to move all my stuff to Kanpa. It may not all be unpacked - pending more storage space - but at least it's home.

The next post has a picture of Kanpa, also known as Pira-Kata (its incorporated name).


Anonymous said...

Hi Soph! So glad to hear you've arrived ok in Warburton, and not got lost in the Toyota. The photos are great - thanks for posting them - really gives us a good idea of how small and remote Warburton is. Let us know if you need a care package! I'll talk to you soon,


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Sophie - looks so beautiful. Will get in touch soon.


Jimmy W said...

Sofie, hope you find the peace we all seek in this land.
jimmy Warburton in usa

Jimmy W said...

Sofie, please invite some friends!
Jimmy Warburton Jerusalem,RI usa

Wilurarra Creative said...

Hi Sophie, great blog! I look forward to more posts. I have just added a link from the HOT page on our website to here.
